Jørgen Svenstrup

Jørgen Svenstrup

"Coach Master Trainer, ICI"

Master Trainer


Jørgen Svenstrup is head of the experienced institute: EmpowerMind.

ICI President of Denmark

Jørgen Svenstrup is ICI President of Denmark.

About Jørgen Svenstrup

This is what you get, meeting Jørgen Svenstrup. With more than 3000 hours of coaching and coaching training, Jørgen Svenstrup is a highly competent and challenging encounter. He is a demanded speaker on the international coaching scene, and is deeply involved in facilitating the personal process, that is the special feature behind the superior quality of the ICI Coach on all levels. Jørgen Svenstrup (b. 1965) is ICI Master Coach trainer and head of the Danish ICI- Institute. He is also Mental trainer and partner in EmpowerMind Denmark. With more than 20 years of experience as a leader, and experience in many business areas – Jørgen Svenstrup is what you would call a MCH (Multi capability human being) His talents are numerous, and so is his curiosity. It is the same experience and open-mindedness, which makes Jørgen Svenstrup a challenging and responsive coach, Mental trainer and facilitator, amongst others for executives in many fields. Jørgen Svenstrup calls him self “a specialist in action”. “We have to act in order to be more wise as human beings, and it is okay to make mistakes, because behind the mistake the important learning hides.” Jørgen demands challenges in his life. He has been a comedian, has had a travel agency, been real estate manager, schoolteacher, sales manager, School principal, as well as destination manager in the biggest travel agency in Scandinavian – the youngest ever. Furthermore he has been director of commercials and documentaries, and has produced the most successful entertainment programs in Danish Television. Then he owned his own TV-school, and a discothèque. He has written 5 books on various subjects – latest “The key to Your brain”, and still has time to be with his family! All together Jørgen Svenstrup has worked with leadership and as a leader for more than 20 years before he became a coach in 2002. It may sound superficial and hazardous, but do not make a misjudgement. The greatest strength Jørgen possess is his ability to be present in what ever he does. “When I am present and have focus, I see no limits. Then I’m capable of evaluate, analyse, and see scenarios from multiple angles. Furthermore I have a strong intuition that rarely fails. That combination is important in modern leadership, and that is also what coaching is about!” Jørgen speaks 6 languages almost fluently, and has unlimited faith in the persons he encounter in the coaching- or training process. “My clients can feel that, and that is an important necessity in coaching and coach training” Is he humble? Reading this You might not believe so, and had Jørgen written this himself it would look different. Most important for Jørgen, is actually humility. Without humility it is impossible to meet people where they are, and that is probably the most important capability if You want to support people in transition.
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