Dr. Wilfredo Baez

Dr. Wilfredo Baez

"Coach, ICI"

  • Member since Nov 27, 2014
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"Coach, ICI"

Has achieved "Coach, ICI"

About Dr. Wilfredo Baez

Living in Vestal (Binghamton), New York I am committed to assisting people in experiencing contentment and life mastery. I am a consecrated Bishop in Orthodox, Sophiac and Gnostic Christianity, an ordained United Methodist Elder, Independent Catholic Priest and Swami (Interfaith) and am able to facilitate your access to the Divine and your self-actualization. I hold Ph.D. Degrees in Clinical Psychology, Pastoral Psychology and Theology and Counseling Psychology as well as Masters degrees in Divinity and Counseling Psychology. I am a certified master trainer and master coach with the International Association of NLP Institutes and the American National Institute for NLP. I have served as a pastoral, spiritual, mental health, alcoholism, addictions counselor and director of mental health and alcoholism programs. My primary coaching, training and consulting interest are in spiritual growth and development towards Self or God realization, vocational choice, personal empowerment, conflict resolution and diversity training. I am influenced by multiple streams of One primordial spirituality; Buddhist, Christic, Essene, Humanistic, Jewish-Kabbalistic, Sufi, Theosophic and Yogic. My dissertations are: "Male Batterers of their Spouses," "Modeling Jesus as a Preacher utilizing Cognitive Behavioral Procedures," and "Neuro-linguistic Psychology Modeling of Jesus as Preacher and Pastoral Counselor." I am married to Marcia Cotton since 1986 and have two children Nicolas Cotton-Baez and Rebeca Cotton-Baez.
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