Mag. Sandra Renner

Mag. Sandra Renner

"Fundamental Coaching Skills, ICI"

  • Member since Dec 6, 2022
  • Country Italy

"Fundamental Coaching Skills, ICI"

Has achieved "Fundamental Coaching Skills, ICI" at CoachAkademieSchweiz GmbH by Nicolas Fitz.

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Wellcome to my profil here! I am 53 years old, I have two adult daughters and I moved with my husband from Vienna (Austria) to Trieste (Italy) on July 2022.

Since 5 years I have been working as a mindfulness and relaxation trainer focused on stress management at schools and just finished my education to work as a systemic coach too. During the pandemic I started to work online and meanwhile I am experienced to coach and support people form 0-99 in every personal living conditions.

I work in a very value-oriented, structured and emotionally conscious way and treat my clients with appreciation and empathy. My goal is that my clients experience their self-efficacy through the coaching process and in the end become active themselves. 

My motto: "There is a magic in every beginning"

My experience about "Fundamental Coaching Skills, ICI"

I had a perfect teacher and mentor who accompanied me through this process and I will use this knowledge in my daily work and support the people in need out there to recognize their unique potential, to awake their consciousness and to become active by themselves.
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