Mind Transformations

Suche / Institute / Mind Transformations

Erfahrenes Institut
Barney Wee

Barney Wee

Head of Mind Transformations


115 Mitglieder von ICI

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+65 81867508
Trainings auch in anderen Ländern: Mauritius, Thailand, Vietnam



Mind Transformations truly believe that "In the power to change oneself is the same power to change the world." -Anwar Sadat

This may be just a motivational quote to some, but for us, it’s the very principle that drives us and our business.

We know every person has a unique gift and through that gift - the great power to make things better on a much larger scale. When people are at their best mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually, when they learn how to take control of themselves and take responsibility for their actions, they truly support life in all its expressions, and humanity can advance as a whole.

The world is already witnessing actions being taken: businesses promoting fair-trade to improve the lives of their fellow countrymen; NGO’s implementing educational strategies to empower children; there are more awareness and actions taken to improve the environment; activists are promoting the humane treatment of animals; there’s a growing number of life-supportive people around the world who are reducing consumption and their carbon footprint, etc. All this can be encapsulated in 4 words: DOING GOOD & DOING WELL.

Simply having a grand vision and talking about it doesn’t actually make anything happen. We carry out our "Do Good Do Well" in 3 fundamental ways: Firstly, we want to connect with people who aspire, like us, to build a better world with life-supportive people who want to see and make a positive change in the world.

Secondly, we collaborate and support different local and nonprofit organisations who share the same philosophy of being "life-supportive." Read here about the causes we support: https://www.mindtransformations.com/causes-we-support/

Thirdly, we continue to be the longest-running NLP training institution in Asia (since 1997), that truly believes in making balanced and pragmatic changes that promote happiness and sustainable results.

Mind Transformations’ Focus: Leading-edge Human-change Technologies.
We constantly and proactively grow by tuning into the emerging trends in human-change technologies. It is our mission and responsibility to translate ideas that are paradigm-shifting and hard to understand into tangible expressions and applications. We push the boundaries of rationality and conventions to empower people and over the years, we’ve dramatically enhanced our courses to give our students the most updated knowledge, frameworks and tools to achieve the results they want. As you will see below, Mind Transformations is the forerunner in the philosophy of integration, which is based on the principle that sustainable change comes from aligning the different realms of human intelligences: the Spiritual (SQ), Emotional (SQ), Intellectual (IQ) & Physical (PQ). In short, instead of proclaiming that one realm is more powerful than the rest, we progressively integrate all of them. The result of this integration work has given people the distinct edge that enables them to make a difference in people.

Barney uses Brain-Compatible teaching strategies to teach the way the brain naturally learns.
Only 40% classroom time is on lecture, the rest of the time - the students have to do the heavy lifting. This is our secret in training very competent NLP Practitioners. Instead of just dumping information onto the students, we help you remember the learning without relying heavily on notes. We've carefully designed our class activities to help students "get it" by doing exercises, not just by sitting and listening. We spend more than 60% of the classroom time doing activities that help people infuse NLP into their behaviour.

Since 1997, we’ve run our NLP training in Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand and recently in Mauritius, and in 2019 - Vietnam. People who come to our classes usually want to be more confident, advance in their careers, be more influential, become competent coaches and trainers, or pursue their dreams by learning how to fully utilise their strengths and overcome their weaknesses. With the different nationalities that have taken our certification courses over the years, we now have graduates that practice what they teach in the United Kingdom, Denmark, Belgium, the Netherlands, France, Romania, Australia, Nepal, Vietnam, China, India, Sri Lanka and the Philippines.

In Cooperation

Dr. Emmanuel F. Silan

Dr. Emmanuel F. Silan

NLP Master Trainer, IN