Marlon Silva

Marlon Silva

"Master Coach, ICI"

"Master Coach, ICI"

Has achieved "Master Coach, ICI" at Instituto Arline Davis by Arline Davis.

"Coach, ICI"

Has achieved "Coach, ICI" at Instituto Arline Davis by Arline Davis.

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About Marlon Silva

Bacharel em Análise de Sistemas pela PUC-Campinas Life & Executive Coach pelo Behavioral Coaching Institutes Coach ICI pela International Association of Coaches Institutes Practitioner em Programaçao Neurolinguistica pela Actius Practitioner em Core Transformation pela Actius Master Practitioner em Programação Neurolinguistica pela SBPNL Certificado pelo Worth Ethic como Analista Alpha Assessment Coach Up Master Mind Mentoring System by Arline Davis Master Coach, ICI - Sociedade Brasileira de Programação Neurolinguistica
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