Ideas from Bruce

A propos / Ressources / Paris-2020

Dr. Bruce Grimley

Dr. Bruce Grimley

"Coach Master Trainer, ICI"

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  Ideas for discussion at the meeting of our Master Trainers at their 3 days meeting in August 2020 in Paris

Bruce would like to discuss in Paris with his colleagues:  

  • his 2 books: "Theory and Practice of NLP Coaching" and "The 7Cs of Coaching"
  • his project of writing scientific articles
  • how to conduct Randomized Controlled Studies to test scientifically the patterns that we use in NLP and Coaching
  • how we can share with everyone what NLP can do for the world

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Autres ressources

World Hypnosis Organization founded by IN, ICI and Psynapse

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Tanja Lachmayr-Kott

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