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Dganit Hashahar,
NLP & NIT Master trainer trainers, NIT- Neuro Integrative Therapy Founder, Based on Strategic mental Intervention for Record Leadership performance, Happiness, Career, Quality of Life, Relationships and Common Business Problems solutions, A global reputationed mentor that Affected crowds of people,
Dganit has established the NLP Premium Institute a A brain power harness research center Research Center for Harnessing Brain Power Focused on:
• In applications of Integrative Neuroplastic Training (NIT) approaches to breakthroughs for individuals, groups and organizations.
• Qualifying leaders / managers and mentors are qualified for achievement and excellence in NLP and NIT methods at various levels.
• International Expert Center, to accompany people to fulfillment and self-fulfillment and to extraordinary results in their lives (mega-strategies for record breakthroughs- NIT).